By using this website, you agree to our cookie policy.

Last updated August 2024

Privacy & Cookie Statement

Cold Chain Control BV (onwards CCC) is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Statement. CCC respects the privacy of its customers, service providers and website visitors and ensures that the personal information you provide to it is treated confidentially and in accordance with applicable law.

CCC does this, among other things, by adhering to the legal frameworks provided by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Implementation Act. After all, it must be clear to you as a data subject to what extent and in what way your personal data is processed in a lawful manner. In addition, there must be a legitimate reason to process your personal data. To achieve the purpose for which the personal data are processed, the invasion of the privacy of you as a data subject is limited as much as possible. No more personal data will be collected than strictly necessary. Also, the data will not be kept longer than necessary.

CCC ensures that personal data is adequately secured. To prevent loss and unlawful processing, appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken. These are tailored to the risk of the processing.

If you have any questions about the security of your personal data or if you feel that data is not properly secured, please contact us at

Cold Chain Control BV

Wijnbergseweg 5, 7047 CZ, Braamt, The Netherlands

VAT reg number NL864645387B01 | Chamber of Commerce 88480798

Phone: +31855360435

Processing of personal data
Website en email

When visiting the website, the IP address used, the operating system, and the internet browser used are provided. The IP address can be regarded as personal data and will be used to deter cyber attacks, as this is of legitimate interest.

In addition, by actively providing your personal data to us by email, you authorize CCC to contact you about the subject in question.

Purposes of processing

CCC processes this personal data to:

  • to be able to get in touch;
  • carry out work within the framework of concluded contracts;
  • send newsletters to customers, if necessary;
  • make and receive payments;
  • to provide you with the best possible service;
  • carrying out the administration and accounting obligations;
  • securing and improving CCC’s websites and services
  • complying with any other legal obligations (including fraud investigations).


You should be aware that CCC will not be able to contact you without contact information. In addition, CCC cannot properly perform the agreement without personal data that is important for the service in question.

Rights of data subjects

You have the right to access, correct or delete personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw any consent to the data processing or to object to CCC’s processing of your personal data and you have the right to data portability. However, if there is a legal obligation to retain data, CCC is bound by it.

You can send a request for inspection, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to If you have any questions about this, you can also contact us by phone. CCC will respond to your request as soon as possible, but in any event within four weeks.

We believe it is important to find a solution together with you. You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority (P.O. Box 93374, 2509 AJ The Hague).

Retention of personal data

CCC does not retain personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your data is collected.

For example, if you have contacted CCC by email, if you are not or will not be a customer or service provider with us, or if you have consented to be included in the system, the necessary personal data will be deleted when your question has been answered.

The IP address for the security of the website will be stored for as long as it is necessary for this security. In addition, CCC refers you to Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use.

If you unsubscribe from the newsletters, your personal data related to this will be deleted from the system at the latest at the end of the relevant month. You will no longer receive newsletters with immediate effect.

If you are/were a customer or service provider, there may be other obligations to retain (part of) the personal data. CCC is required by law to retain certain (personal) data. For example, there is a retention period of 7 years on CCC’s basic data such as a general ledger, accounts receivable and accounts payable, sales administration and e-mails related to business operations. This includes, among other things, approved quotations, orders, invoices and e-mails.

When it comes to potential customers, company name, address and telephone number and possibly name, telephone number and e-mail address contact person will be removed if the potential customer indicates that he no longer wants to be included in the system. Quotations that have not been approved will be kept for a maximum of one year.

In the case of potential service providers, company name, address and contact details and contact’s name, telephone number and email address will be deleted if no agreement is concluded, unless they consent to be included in the system. This permission is granted, for example, when providing a business card.

If an agreement is concluded with service providers, this data and address will be stored for as long as the agreement is in force, also taking into account the tax retention obligation.

This also applies to information mentioned in the invoice such as name, address, bank account number, name, Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number.

Sharing of personal data

Personal data is sometimes received by multiple parties. CCC only shares this personal data when this is necessary for the performance of an agreement, when they are obliged to do so by law or a court order, when there is permission to do so, or when there is a legitimate business interest.

An agreement is entered into between CCC and these third parties to make agreements on how to handle your personal data. These agreements will be recorded in writing and will be monitored by CCC. When CCC provides your data to a third party, it ensures, among other things, that your data is not used for other purposes. CCC also agrees that your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed.

When it comes to third parties, you can think of: accountant, payroll administrator, Jortt, Online incasso, Google, Firebase, Microsoft, Atlassian, Trello, Slack, Apple, Bitbucket, GitHub, E-hour, Google Playservices, PC Extreme, Sketch, Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Suite, Rabobank, ING.

Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use

A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages of this website and stored by your browser (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera) on your computer’s hard drive. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers on your next visit.


Session cookies

Session cookies allow CCC to see which parts of the website you visited during your visit. As a result, our service can be adapted as much as possible to your own wishes. These cookies are automatically deleted as soon as you close your web browser.


Functional cookies

With the help of functional cookies, CCC can recognize you when you visit our website again. As a result, the website can be specially tailored to your preferences. As a result, you do not have to repeat your preferences over and over again, which makes your use of the website more pleasant. You can delete these cookies via the settings of your browser. Functional cookies are never shared with other parties and are only used for CCC’s website.

Analytical cookies

CCC uses third-party analytics cookies to collect statistics about users’ use of the website. By measuring website usage, CCC can continue to improve the website for the benefit of our users. No permission is required for the posting of this data.

If these cookies are used to link to advertising data, for example, CCC does need your permission. These cookies are referred to tracking cookies.